We are cladding remediation experts

We and our professional team have the expertise to take you on the journey from discovering that you have combustible material to receiving remediation from the Government Funds or Developer Funds.

We will be with you through the entire process of application for grant funding, undertaking of the major works through to practical completion.

For our cladding expertise, there is NO COST to Leaseholders

Cladding Consulting
Submit application
Cladding Consulting
Pre Tender Support
Cladding Consulting
Grant Funding
Cladding Consulting
Undertake the major works
Cladding Consulting
Practical Completion
Cladding Consulting

We will

  • Provide all lessees with access to an online document library where all documentation will be stored at all times for complete transparency
  • Hold regular video conference calls with Directors, Managing Agents, Lessees to ensure they are updated throughout the process
  • We record all meetings, produce minutes and upload them to the document library
  • On completion we will hand over a completed file with all warranties, drawings, plans, consents and other documents relating to the remediation project in electronic format

If you have a cladding issue and need help in progressing matters to conclusion, there is no time to lose.
Call us on 0203 627 0581 or click here to send us a message.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are Leaseholder protections in place in law. Subject to a successful application, Leaseholders are not liable for costs associated with the remediation.

The Building Safety Fund was set up to cover the cost of cladding remediating for buildings over 18 metres in height which have been clad in combustible material.

The Cladding Safety Scheme was set up to cover the cost of cladding remediating for buildings 11 to 18m in height, which have been clad in combustible material.

The Developer Pledge is a promise made by some of the UK’s biggest house builders, to cover the costs of remediation of buildings over 11m that they built or refurbished in the last 30 years.

Where cladding needs to be removed and the developer is not part of the pledge, you can apply to the Building Safety Fund or the Cladding Safety Scheme.

The Developer will reimburse the Government for any costs that have been incurred and will enter into a grant funding agreement with you directly.

If you building is 11m and over, you need a FRAEW to progress an application for remediation.
