Building Safety Fund
23 Feb 2023

What is the new Building Safety Act?

The new Building Safety Act came into force in April 2022 and was drawn up to make those responsible for safety defects in residential buildings liable to fix them and to protect Leaseholders from the costs associated with remediation.  It is an overhaul of regulations that already existed and outlines how new residential buildings should […]

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fire compartmentation
23 Feb 2023

What is fire compartmentation?

Fire compartmentation refers to a building’s fire safety in terms of how quickly smoke and fire would spread from one compartment (such as a flat)  to other parts of the building through areas that should be sealed, such as riser cupboards. In order to find out if a building’s fire compartmentation offers adequate fire resistance […]

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What is a EWS1 form?
14 Feb 2023

What is an EWS1 form?

The EWS1 form was launched in 2018 after new safety regulations were introduced for cladding on residential buildings. It’s a form for lenders and valuers that certifies whether or not any residential building with cladding that is potentially combustible, has undergone a fire safety assessment.  When the EWS1 was introduced, it applied to buildings more […]

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PAS 9980
8 Feb 2023

A guide to PAS 9980 and its role in Building Safety Fund applications

The government launched its Building Safety Fund (BSF) in 2020 as part of its commitment to funding the remediation of unsafe cladding…

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Who pays for cladding remediation?
1 Feb 2023

Who Pays for Cladding Remediation

Do you live in, own or manage a building with unsafe cladding?…

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builders on a construction site
19 Apr 2022

Developers to Help Pay for Cladding Remediation

It has been confirmed that 49 Developers have signed the Government’s pledge committing to rectify critical life safety defects in buildings…

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judge hammer
15 Feb 2022

Government to Protect Leaseholders With New Fire Safety Laws

The Government announced on 14th February 2022 that tough new measures were being introduced to protect Leaseholders…

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fire warden high vis jacket
27 Jan 2022

Another £27m For Fire Alarm Installation

Further to Mr Gove’s announcements; the Government has today announced a further £27m…

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judge hammer
21 Jan 2022

Leaseholder Portal Launched

A Government Portal for Leaseholders has now ‘gone live’…

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uk government crest
10 Jan 2022

Mid-Rise Building Funding Announced

At the tail end of last year, rumours were gathering pace about Michael Gove announcing support for Leaseholders…

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If you have a cladding issue and need help in progressing matters to conclusion, there is no time to lose.
Call us on 0203 627 0581 or click here to send us a message.